Android Jetpack Weekly #8

Review of most interesting changes in Android Jetpack releases for the last week

Kirill Rozov
2 min readSep 21, 2019

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Annotation-Experimental 1.0.0-alpha01 (NEW)

  • Jetpack Experimental annotation was added to mark API from AndroidX as not yet finished. It implements Kotlin’s experimental API markers.
  • Also was added special library for annotation-experimental-lint that produces a Android Lint-based implementation of experimental usage restrictions and enforce restrictions on Java usages of Kotlin’s native experimental API.

When using the annotation-experimental artifact as a dependency, the Android Lint rules provided by the annotation-experimental-lint artifact will be enforced automatically.

Autofill 1.0.0-beta01

  • Added support for annotating One Time Password (OTP) fields which can be filled by reading the code from an SMS.
  • Generator function added to get hint constants for single character OTP fields.

Browser 1.2.0-alpha08

  • Introduced new Share Target APIs for Trusted Web Activities. Apps that use Trusted Web Activities can now send data to their Web Share Target, defined by the protocol
  • API improvements
  • Bug fixes

Fragment 1.2.0-alpha04

  • The Fragment.getFragmentManager() (and require*()) methods have been deprecated and replaced with a single getParentFragmentManager() method, which returns the non-null FragmentManager from Host (Activity or Fragment). IllegalStateException will be thrown if Fragment isn’t added to a Host. Now you need to check is Fragment added before the call.
  • FragmentManager.enableDebugLogging() method has been deprecated. FragmentManager now respects Log.isLoggable() for the tag “FragmentManager”, allowing you to enable either DEBUG or VERBOSE logging without re-compiling your app.
  • Bug fixes

Full list of changes can be found here



Kirill Rozov
Kirill Rozov

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